Expert reports


Our team of professionals is recognized for its relevant analyses, neutrality and objectivity in preparing expert reports.

Our expert reports are prepared by specialists who provide their professional opinion on one or more topics to enlighten the Court. Their opinions are based on the contractual clauses and the factual data as well as on Cogerec's experience in construction project management and implementation. Our reports are clear, structured and objective.

We help you to:

  • Ensure that the contractual clauses are respected
  • Demonstrate the impact of the encountered problems and changed conditions
  • Analyze the schedule using the most appropriate method that best suits the case under examination
  • Identify the costs that could be claimed based on our opinion concerning the validity of the encountered problems and changed conditions
  • Objectively study and comment on the expert reports produced by the other parties involved in the project
  • Prepare visual aids to facilitate understanding of the contents of the report

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